Friday 23 September 2011

Week One Reflection

My first reaction to this project is definately one of excitement. I am looking forward to using 3DS Max again and this year seems to be a completely different challenge and one that I feel we will have fun completing. The different techniques we will have to use will be interesting to learn and will also make for good experience when completing our projects alongside the skills we learnt in the previous semester.

I think that both tasks in this module will be good for experience, the task we will be completing individually will be challenging as we attempted to use heads in last semester's work and I personally found it quite difficult, having said this, we will have to be creating it all ourselves this semester, which will prove to be more difficult.

The second task will be very emjoyable, being able to work in a team will be a great use of everyone's individual tallents and all members of the team will bring different aspects of the project to the table. I think this will help to produce a better final result and will also get smaller details completed quicker which means we will be able to concentrate on having more detail in the final production.

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